Log into Sites

Open your web browser and go to "https://tecum.tech"


Enter your password.

Select your organization from the dropdown menu on the left.

Then, choose “Sites” in the “Applications” dropdown.

A list of sites that you have access to appears on the screen.


Select the site you want to make changes for.


Once you select your site, you are now able to edit.


Create a Page

Click "Pages" in the left menu

Click "➕" to make a new page.

You are now in the page editor.


Click the gear icon in the top left toolbar to open the page settings dialog.


Enter a name for your page.


Enter the page slug. This is what visitors will type after your domain to access the page.



  • /about
  • /contact
  • /shop


Click 💾 to save your changes.


You are now ready to add panels and components to your page!

Edit a Page

Click "Pages" in the left menu

Choose the page you'd like to edit.

You are now in the editing interface. Changes are saved (but not published) automatically.

To edit a component, click on it.

You can now edit the component settings.


Click the save icon to exit.


Click the trash can to delete the component from the page.



To publish your changes, click the publish icon in the toolbar in the top left.

Create a Blog Post

Choose "Posts" in the left menu, then click the "+" icon to create a new post.

You are now in the page editor.


Click the gear icon in the top left toolbar to open the page settings dialog.


Enter a name for your page.


Enter the page slug. This is the link visitors will see when they access the page.



  • /about
  • /contact
  • /shop

On the "Metadata" tab, retype the title, add a short description and choose an image for your blog post. This is what will appear on the /blog page of your site. The meta title should match the name and main title of your page.


Click 💾 to save your changes.


You are now ready to add panels and components to your post! Design it like you would any other Sites page.

© 2017-2021 TecumTech - All Rights Reserved - Built with TecumTech Sites