Norwex to Project Broadcast FAQ's



When do my contacts sync?


The sync process begins every day at 11:00am EST. Expect your contacts to be imported between 11:00am and 1:00pm EST.



Why are old contacts still showing up?


The sync process never erases customers. This is so that any custom contacts you add yourself will not be overwritten. If a customer still appears in Project Broadcast after you delete them from Norwex, you will need to archive the contact manually in Project Broadcast. Consultants will be marked as "inactive" or "dormant."



Why aren't all of my customers/consultants transferred?


Customers must have placed an order within the past 3 years and must also have a valid phone number.

Consultants cannot be "Terminated," "Removed" or "Resigned" and must also have a valid phone number.

You will be notified each time new customers or consultants are transferred.


How do I send messages to new customers?


Customers placing their first order will be automatically added to a campaign titled "New Customer Campaign" If it does not exist in your Project Broadcast account, you can create it from the "Campaigns" page.


How do I personalize messages to include the name of the party host?


The name of a party host is stored in Project Broadcast as "Custom Field 20" ( {{custom20}} ) and you can insert it into your campaigns as needed. For example, you can say "Thank you for attending Jennifer's Norwex party." 


If the customer was part of multiple parties, the most recent party host is used.



How do I send messages to new consultants (recruits)?


New consultants will be automatically added to a campaign titled "New Recruit Campaign" If it does not exist in your Project Broadcast account, you can create it from the "Campaigns" page.



How can I use this as a Norwex Team Leader?


There are many ways this service benefits team leaders:

  • You can target dormant and inactive recruits with personalized messages to re-engage them. Just setup a campaign for all contacts tagged as "dormant" and "inactive".
  • All recruits are tagged with their levels, so you can direct messages to specific groups of recruits.
  • When recruit statuses change in the Norwex backoffice, the service automatically updates their status in Project Broadcast so you don't have to.
  • You can help recruits automate their Project Broadcast by recommending this service to them.



How do I pay for the service?


After you sign up and the initial transfer happens, you will be e-mailed a $35 PayPal invoice to cover the first year of service. You will be re-invoiced each year.

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